Cynthia M. Gayton
Attorney at Gayton Law
Arlington, Virginia
Ms. Gayton holds a BA from The George Washington University and a JD degree from George Mason University School of Law.
Cynthia is a member of both the State Bar of Virginia and the District of Columbia Bar. She is the owner of Gayton Law, in Arlington, Virginia which concentrates on small business formation, intellectual property, information technology, and business transactions/contracts. She has worked for the federal government, in the private sector and for non-profit organizations.
Ms. Gayton is the author of Legal Aspects of Engineering, Design and Innovation published by Kendall-Hunt in January 2017 and self-published work Guide to Copyrights & Trademarks for CryptoCreatives in January 2019. She was a contributor, Associate Editor and on the Editorial Board and Peer Review Team of VINE: The Journal of information and knowledge management systems from 2006–2015. She has written several articles on smart contracts and blockchain including: “Marriage in Ethereum”; “Tokens, Branding and Digital Assets”; “Crypto Assets and the Arts”; “AttributionCoin – Social Media Crypto-Currency using Blockchain”; and “Keeping Copyright Relevant in a Crypto-infused Arts and Music Environment.”.