We request that all partners, experts and attendees follow a simple behavior code at Creative Tech Week: Treat others with respect, even if they are different from yourself.

Participants who disregard this code may be asked to leave without recourse at the discretion of event week organizers. Any participant who is asked to stop any harassing behavior is expected to comply immediately. We expect participants to follow these rules at all conference venues and conference-related social events.
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of our conference staff immediately. Harassment of anyone for any reason, including trolling, shaming, stalking, targeting, sustained disruption, and mocking others in person or online is not acceptable. Inappropriate physical content and unwelcome sexual attention will not be tolerated.

At the same time, overt political speech, as long as it is not hate speech, is welcomed on our stages and showcases, as is content that pushes boundaries and may make some people uncomfortable.
We understand that in an artistic, performance and political context, overtly sexual or radical costuming, language and imagery is commonplace and may be disturbing for some. If our experts plan to discuss or display sexual or violent imagery, we ask that they please disclose this in advance as much as possible, to alert attendees who may wish not to be exposed to this type of work.

Creative Tech Week is committed to fostering a welcoming and diverse community and will not allow discrimination against any person of a disenfranchised group for any reason, including sexual identity, differing ability, gender, appearance, ethnicity, skin color, genetic ancestry, religion, age, or body shape. We may actively showcase works of those who tend to suffer from discrimination in the technology community. We strive to promote the work of men and women in balanced proportions